About Me
A few years ago, I wanted to go back to college to get my accounting degree. I didn’t want to take out student loans, I didn’t want to spend massive amounts of cash, and scholarships didn’t seem to be an option for my circumstances. As I sat down with my college advisor, staring at the daunting list of classes I was required to take, all I could see were dollar signs for how expensive this was going to be, and how long it was going to take me to complete. I remember thinking to myself, there had to be another way.
I had worked in banking and finance for over 12 years at that point, and it seemed only natural that I should have accumulated enough knowledge to “test out” of some of these required courses. When I asked my advisor if that was an option, he said, “like CLEP tests?” I had no idea what he was referring to, but I made note of it, and quickly we moved on.
When I got home that day, started investigating what these tests were. The resources were scattered, there was no guide to provide the step-by-step process, and I had to blindly piece it all together and find what worked best on my own.
If only someone had told me that I could have earned credit for college level courses while I was still in high school, spent a fraction of the time normally required, using a lot of the knowledge I already had, and for little to no cost to me or my family.
I’m here to share that knowledge with you.